Dead Word Puzzle


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Dead Word Puzzle

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You know a manga gonna be gud when people start exploding seven pages into the first chapter. It starts out with the MC being dorky about books, then boom poorly drawn guts everywhere. Then MC-kun turns into a total edgelord wanting to study all them guts.

Also, I thought this would be a bit of a parody, because you can't get more low stakes than crossword puzzles, but nope, the inherent ridiculousness of making them into a life or death game just gets ignored and the concept is taken dead seriously. It's really dumb because crossword puzzles don't make for good high stakes because they're about knowledge, it's not there's much room for strategy.

MRW I'm drinking soda and see something hilarious:


The fuck are these sound effects?

That's exactly the sound I think of when a head is being ripped off. Zisch!

The mascot character Kuro looks like a trashcan.
MC-kun is such a edgelord because he has a serious case of Trump hands.


Worst period ever:

Glad I'm not the only one that thinks all these eviscerated characters are pretty damn chatty.
Man, all that in one chapter. Can you imagine being the janitor at that school? He's going to get a hell of a surprise when he shows up for work tomorrow.

Chapter 2 starts even better because the translation is already starting to look amazing:

"Reality has been invaded by a fake reality crashing into reality" Fucking what?

Just realized MC-kun looks like dime store clearance Light Yagami.
The art is super amazing. Who gives a shit about proportions am I right?


Bento-faced bastard is going to be my new go to insult.


I'm pretty sure these are the lyrics to a Disturbed song.

And that's chapter 2 done.
I take it back, these are the real lyrics from a Disturbed song



The exact expression I made after watch the end of A Serbian Film



When your onomatopoeia game is on point. I can't imagine these as anything, but cartoon sound effects.

Discount Light Yagami's various evil faces are really making me appreciate the art in Death Note all over again. I didn't know it was possible to fuck up shading this badly. There's really only a small margin between a face looking menacing and a face looking complete herp derp.

Chapter 3 done and this is amazing. Kinda sad there's only one chapter left. I have no idea how this didn't get picked up by Jump for at least 500 chapters.
Might as well finish the last chapter.

Hate the umbrella chick's stupid little hat.

Oh well, at leas they give intestines and brains a rest when hat chicks heart jumps out of her chest, buuut then we go right back to intestinal trauma, when the last guy's intestines explode. I think they exploded, either that or he shit them out.


This manga probably does think "blopp" is the sound someone shitting out their intestines would make.



What happens when your average person tries to read Dead Word Puzzle


Now that's a hilariously random plot twist. Not sure how anyone can see her hiding in his closet and not splonk out their guts laughing.

Annnd then it just ends on a random note. This manga was amazing from start to finish.

Follow the adventures of budget Light Yagami as he plays the most nonsensical high stakes game I've ever read. I give it a blump blomp out of 10