Tokimeki Tonight

Episode 24:

This episode doesn't work,
because there's no build up to the demon world being this scary. Other than the sound track being kind of eerie everything from the demon world has been pretty tame. It's a world where Draculas are dorky father, and Frankenstien will come to your school's haunted house on request. It's world where demons find basic math hard.

Last episode we watched Sand derping around and being love sick. It was cute and a little endearing, which makes it jarring that he's all about murdering everyone including Ranze to cover his tracks this episode. I get the episode was going for the demon world being an alien place where the normal rules of human society don't apply, but what we've seen of the place doesn't bear that out, so this episode just feels like a sudden escalation just for the sake of the plot.

Also, Makabe was off model for a lot of the episode. He made some really fucking derpy faces. The rest of the cast looked okay, so it's kind of weird that Makabe looked so damn off.

Even with the demon world stuff not really working with Aaron and Sand becoming suddenly murderous, it would have been worth it if Makabe finding about Ranze had stuck, but even that gets erased at the end of the episode, which cockblocks progress once again.

I don't give a fuck about Yoko finding out, since her reaction here is exactly what you'd expect. Even under threat of murder Yoko just uses the opportunity to lay into Ranze. At this point Yoko is such a fanatic that she can't focus on anything else.

Also, this was one boring version of the Cheshire Cat.

An episode with the potential to be interesting and move things along, that completely squanders the opportunity for the sake of antics that just don't work with the tone of the series.
Episode 25:

Weremom: We have to kill Makabe.
Dracdad: Yup, he's got to die, that's the rule.
Ranze: Oh god, I have to kill Makabe!
Everyone: Makabe has to die or we have to leave the human world.
Dracdad: Can you just keep this super secret Makabe?
Makabe: Sure.
Everyone: Oh, awesome, guess we don't have to leave or kill anyone, then.

Yeah, this episode does have a jolt of progress, but how it got there was the worst kind of dumb melodrama. It was forced by the characters being dumb and didn't feel natural at all. I can accept Ranze and Makabe being a couple of dumb overdramatic teens, because that's what they are, but no one else in this episode has a good excuse for acting that way.

Then there's also the matter of this just being too little, too late. The last time Makabe and Ranze showed a deeper connection with each other was episode 13. After that the show just went back to the status quo for 11 episodes, so this episode feels like it comes out of nowhere. This is something that should have happened a long time ago, so the show could explore some interesting new territory.

Also, this episode gives the middle finger to economical storytelling. Makabe just found out the truth last episode, but had his mind erased. This episode would have worked better if it had just carried on from last episode with Makabe remembering the truth. Then there's be no reason to waste time with him finding out all over, again.

Why the fuck would Makabe run out and telling Yoko anyway? He knows she's just going to take the chance to shit on Ranze.

Bleah, I don't want to hate this episode, because there's some progress, but man how that progress is achieved is just painful.

Well dang, something almost happened. That almost counts for something.

So I guess Aaron was impressed by Ranze's show of resolve? I mean, it's not like there's any reason for him to not continue trying to kill Makabe. He could even do it himself.

Well they nearly gave us an episode in which Yoko would have a primary motivation that isn't getting points with Makabe but they sort of fucked that up with her choosing to stay locked up over trying to help them escape.

And I'm pretty sure a couple of normal size punches on a face that big would barely register.

Well, I ended up rushing through the last few episodes, because I just really don't give enough shits anymore about this series, to drag this out any further. And I'm just gonna say this, this ending was bullshit.

It was just a frustrating and stupid cop-out ending, exactly the type of ending I hate the most, where it feels like nothing really happened. I think the worst thing this is, they never take the lost demon prince plot line anywhere, and forget about it till now, only to do absolutely jack shit with that and cockblock Makabe being discovered at the last possible moment, in the dumbest way possible. It keeps to the status quo, and this ends up being a pointless waste of time.

Overall, the comedy got real old unfortunately, too much bleh filler as people said, and the static nature of it all, really knocks it down. When the series tried to get serious at times, it just mostly fumbled there too. The demon world stuff, was done pretty badly.

Honestly, even the older ass 70s Cutey Honey, we watched from before, provided more consistent cheese entertainment for me. It's just so disappointing, this turned out the way it did.

I'm gonna give it a flat 2.5/5 and be on my way, it's not like I didn't get entertainment out of this, but it really didn't have enough here to sustain my interest for 34 episodes, and Yoko's just so fucking awful, that there's only so many episodes I could stand of her shenanigans. Vamp Dad was probably the most likeable character out of the cast to me at least, and I didn't really care much, for the Ranze and Makabe relationship.

So yeah, good luck to the rest of you, finishing this up, towards a vastly unsatisfying and half-assed last minute conclusion. I still had a lot of fun reading your posts though as always with these buddy groups, and will continue to look forward to them. That was a saving grace in it of itself, when the show got kind of boring for me.
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Episode 23:
I don't have much to add to what you guys have already written about Sand and his odd ways, except that this is the first episode in which Tamasaburo, my rock, my bastion against Yoko assholitude, has failed me by being a jerk. SAD! Anyway, the exaggerated nature of the episode was decent, and like Gen, I dug the duel between Tamasaburo and his lackey against Sand, but other than that, it was another premise that would hold for a third of an episode. I sincerely wish that this programme would have been more sketch-based.

Episode 24:
I agree with ZK in that the demon realm has never been presented as anything other than a slightly weird fantasy land, not this more nightmarish incarnation that's shown us in this episode. Still, I guess that it could change depending on the mood of its rulers or something else along that line, and they are humans, whereas Ranze isn't. Anyway, it made for some not bad setpieces, but taken as a whole, it's not a very good episode. And Sand and Aaron sure are douchebags here. Guess Yokoism is contagious.
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man, how the fuck did Makabe beat Aaron, even though he's never held a sword in his life?
Being the main love interest in a shoujo series sure is quite the OP ability :/

I've got to agree with @ZetsubouKaiji : it's nice to see some progress, but the way it's done is quite dumb :/
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Episode 26:


Holy shit, this episode was dumber than Sand attempting to do basic math.

Episode 24: Sand and Aaron try to fucking murder three people they abducted for twenty minutes.
Demon King: Humans are needlessly violent.

The demon king might want to clean house before judging humans.

I don't know what they were smoking when they made this episode, but it made zero sense. First the Demon King just randomly shows up in his chicken shaped Star Destroyer, because this series is sci-fi now. How the fuck did he even know to show up there?

The whole argument was pointless. First the demon King was trying to prove that humans weren't trustworthy, but when Makabe sticks by Ranze and tries to defend her, suddenly the King is like "see humans are so damn violent."

Yeah, Demon King, so you just plucked two people out of Ranze and Makabe's heads that are known for being unreasonable and then are surprised when Makabe doesn't try to negotiate with them. You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

It's almost like this episode was setup for the king to learn a very special lesson about racism, but the episode doesn't even do that well, as he doesn't seem particularly convinced in the end.

I feel dumber for having watched this episode.
I finished the series last night so time for a lightning round.


This is yet another episode playing off Japan's Ryuujugou folklore, except they barely even did a thing with the idea. I mean, instead of the treasure box forcibly aging victims, it just acts as a portal to the demon world for some reason. I just came off the Ryuujugou arc from Gintama too, so color me unimpressed.


I prefer Spongebob B.C.

Is this where we really are with one episode left?


So Makabe, an up and coming boxer whose spent countless hours shirtless while bathing, training, and boxing didn't notice an auspicious Joestar birthmark on his armpit. All so the entire episode could be rendered as pointless waste of time at the last minute. Why? I could understand why other love triangle romances might do the same thing (not upsetting one set of fans over the other) but this shit is so one-sided that not bringing the romance to a close does it no favors. Especially since this is the only season that exists.

And then they do the regular ED after the special version. Why?
I may be reading ahead because I don't give a shit about this show anymore. If anything I'm considering them a warning about what I'm in for. Not that there's much to spoil, since nothing ever happens that isn't immediately reverted and
that seems to be the case right up to them.
Episode 25:
What you guys wrote. I am shrovebread-less on Shrove Tuesday, so I am in deep despair and am physically incapable of posting my thoughts about this episode.

Episode 26:
I really dig the trippy Franco-Belgian-style sci-fi theme the Demon Overlordking has going on. Kind of incongruous with the established setting so far, since the demon realm seemed to be stuck in the fifties at the most before this episode. Now we have spaceships and Ranze and Shun decked out in Tron suits.

Evil space dragon rider Yoko and pseudo-Roman tyrant Tamasaburo were awesome as well. You know, apart from their personalities.

As for the rest, yeah, it's stupid and boring, with a hypocritical ruler and an ineptly done secret test of character. I may have dozed off at the end, so there might have been some intricacies that I missed.
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what the fucking shit



And this proves that the demon king has no idea what friends are, because Yoko and Tamasaburo are, at most, acquaintances, and definitely not friends

Then he even acknowledges that this is for their survival, but somehow pushes that argument aside for no real reason other than "he's human".

Also, Makabe is monstrously strong, when are they going to reveal he's a demon prince too?


Why do people in anime never look where they’re walking?

And the fuck is this nigga doing, attacking a guy like that on the street? If he’s a boxer, isn’t there a code not to pull that kind of shit?

That guy’s version of the ED is nightmare material :0

How did Yoko come to think Makabe likes her just because he’ll fight? That girl should keep her delusions in check.



I forget, but are they a couple now? I guess not, since this is anime, but there are some signs of his interest towards Ranze. At the end of ep 26, and in this ep, Makabe seems more open towards her…

Why is Ranze training too? Like she could keep up with Makabe…

Training montage ftw!

… the training is still going on?

After that speech, how are they not kissing?

This show really does like it’s abductions, huh?


OK, if they’re not a couple now then I’m gonna get mad. My prediction: I’m gonna have to get mad.

I’m happy to see more boxing in this show, but it feels like they didn’t have enough content to fill this episode entirely, so everything is stretched out.


oh god, it’s the pinnacle of overused and irritating ideas! Forcing the person you like to like you back! Which always ends with more or less the same results.

And what kind of teenager talks about weddings immediately after you start dating?

The BL is strong here

Why is Cupid talking like Ranze is human?


They're all acting like it's impossible that Weremom looked into Ranze's diary, but we all know she did look into Ranze's dreams...

Oh my, the hormones strike back! And now she's running away!

Oh my, Attack on NEET?

The power of NEET makes timetravel possible? Ranze's wish is kinda dumb though, what if the clock sent her back to being an embryo?

Wow, Yoko was a bitch even when she was little?

Ranze has no idea how to handle kids though, the fuck is she doing with Yoko?

Man, Vampdad has really gotten old in those 10 years. Shouldn't he age slower than that?

And apparently Rinze doesn't know his own age?

Ranze is one reckless idiot to be going to the future like that.

Apparently in the future the typo in the "boxing jim" is fixed?
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Catch-up Time 2: This Time for Real

Episode 14

That was a decent episode even if that doctor scene made me cringe a bit. Rara was adorable and pretty chill after being brought back from the dead, though based on the preview it seems Ranze will remain a werevampire for at least another ep.

On another note, I never thought I'd see Dracdad dressed like a girl from the Moulin Rouge ô_o

Episode 15

For an episode named "Sorry for the Nudity" I was expecting some wardrobe malfunction (not that I mind the lack of it).

Silliness aside, it was an ok episode even if Yoko got a bit irritating towards the end. I really wished she got admitted in a mental asylum and didn't got released until the end of the show.
Yeah, I accidentally skipped an episode, again. Big woop, wanna fight about it?


The art really degraded this episode. Half the time the characters looked like mutant versions of themselves and they kept Makabe kept changing skin tone. It's one thing to be colored slightly differently between scenes, but Makabe was changing color within the same damn scene.

Other than that this episode was mostly unremarkable. The only thing really of note is the anime staff realized they went way to far and had Ranze do a PSA at the end of the episode to advise that people don't attempt any of the stupid shit she did this episode.

This episode does prove that Dracdad is still capable of doing some entertaining comedy. It's just a shame he's been shackled to such a shoddy anime.

Also, for being so thrilled to be asked on a date-o by her crush, she sure was unhappy about seeing an action movie. Considering how much she drools all over him I'd think she wouldn't care what kind of movie it was.

I'll go back and watch 27 tomorrow.
Episode 27:

You know next time Yoko's father wants to tell a story about being horribly bullied, he might want to leave out the part where he sticks his goons on the person that insulted him. Yeah, Rocky is a dick, but it's kind of hard to drum up sympathy for the mob boss and goons getting beat up.

This episode sort of followed the trajectory of a whole arc in a sports anime. Condensing down into one episode makes a lot of the scenes lose their impact, though. What's curious to me is so much time was spent on training montages and other fluff, that the actual emotional scenes get the short end of the stick. Makabe doubting himself sort of comes out of nowhere. He can't be that shamed by getting sucker punched by Rocky earlier in the episode and we've never seen Shun doubt himself before that.

Ranze's little pep talk was the most direct she's been with Makabe about her feelings. I thought that speech was a nice moment, even if it was a bit contrived. Still given this show's usual level of writing, a contrived situation like this was going to be the best we could hope for,

Another thing is for an episode that's all built on the boxing match, there's very little of the actual match in it. The animation budget for this show had already gone down the toilet at this point, but it still doesn't make sense to do a boxing episode with no boxing in it. Boxing may not be the focus of the anime, but it was the focal point of this episode.

Of course the way this episode ends, would have made a nice little end point for the anime. Instead, the end of this episode renders episode 28 even more ridiculous, because even someone as dense as Yoko would know she had no shot after seeing Makabe run to Ranze to celebrate his victory.

I'm with Gedata, this episode could have used more of Rocky singing his version of the ED. By this show's standards this wasn't a horrible episode. It had its flaws, but the biggest flaw seems to be that the show continued on after such a decisive victory for Ranze.
Episode 27:
The premise of this episode seemed a bit more silly than usual, but whatever. Rocky truly is a fiend to deny Tamasaburo his chance to sing his heart out, but Tamasaburo has been more jerkish than lately. I guess it's something in the water, since Yoko's affected as well. And yes, I agree with everyone that we needed more Rocky singing the ED. Can't just leave us hanging like that. Otherwise, it was a slightly above par episode.