pastabacon's avatar


  • Joined Dec 1, 2020
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Hello and welcome!

My reviewing system:

5 stars - ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. These are my *favorites* and I would not hesitate to text people to read it even if they don't read manga.

4.5 stars - YES. I love these ones as well but they don't quite make it into the *favorite* category. I would reccomend if asked for reccs.

3.5-4 stars - Love these. There might be a something I don't like. It may be super trivial, and it could also be my preferences. For example if I didn't notice a comic wasn't Full Color, I might mark it down even though it was my bad. Maybe a side character is super annoying, or the plot is slightly repetitive.

2-3 stars - ehhh. I think that these are better suited to other people or I dislike it. For example, FL is super annoying and acts as though she is smart but is actually super stupid and falls in love with the ML who wanted to kill her the other day but she is like "he gave me a sandwich!" *blushes*. Maybe the story is super repetitive and obvious, or perhaps the characters lack depth. I would not recommend these even if I recommend everything else and someone asks for some reccs. I would simply go and find a different story.

0-1 star(s) - noPE. These would be just about the worst mangas I have ever read. Everything is wrong. The FL is dumb, the ML is perverted, the ML thinks that women are inferior (this happens a lot since I read isekai time travel mangas but the ML should at least be good ;-;), maybe the art is also not to my liking, etc (although I usually check out the art on the cover so I don't read something I don't want to.)

No review - Maybe I haven't gotten to reviewing something yet. I may review it later but sometimes I forget which manga a plot is for since most of them are isekai mangas. Maybe I noticed other people have reviewed it and I just agree. It's also possible that the manga didn't stand out. If the characters are kinda typical, a bit bland, etc, then I will not be too inclined to review.

Life on anime

  • 36 Minutes
  • 19 Hours
  • 0 Days
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Life on manga

  • 0 Minutes
  • 19 Hours
  • 4 Days
  • 2 Weeks
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Manga ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

59 total

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I'm not a fan of these characters


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Claaarize Dec 19, 2020

I saw your comment on our mutual follower's profile and I just had to respond because I like anyone who adores Spirit Fingers!! ❤️❤️ Sooo underrated, I rarely encounter someone who's also a faaaan! Is the translation complete? Don't wanna continue reading until it's done because the constant waiting just kills me! 

Almamatotogoo Dec 13, 2020

Welcome to A-P! I stumbled across your accout from a manhwa review and I'm so glad to find another avid isekai-romance reader (⺣◡⺣)♡*☛☚

One of my favorite foods is pasta so I thought your username was so cute! And I couldn't agree more with your ratings! I'm always looking for new comics and was thinking of trying Ebony, what do you think :D? It seems we have a lot of similar reads and taste-- so I'd love to be friends with you!!

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Have a nice day~