Gouramii's avatar


  • Joined Oct 1, 2017
  • 20 / M

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Life on manga

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Manga ratings

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2 total

I adore these characters


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FriendlyDemon Oct 2, 2017



My name is Ana, aka FriendlyDemon and I, as well as the rest of the WECO (Anime Planet's Welcoming Committee) Club, would like to officially welcome you to Anime-Planet.


"I joined! What can I do now?" Well, easy! You could start by introducing yourself to the Anime-Planet community! Or read some Resources for New Members! Or randomly browse our cool forum here. There are some awesome clubs out there, so join all that interest you. (I'm not getting paid to say that *wink*)


Also, start adding the watched/watching/want to watch anime to your profile! What are you waiting for? :D


If you have any questions about this site or want an anime recommandation... or you just want to chat :) come on and meet a friendly demon (we are pretty rare!).


I hope you enjoy your time on Anime-Planet!
